Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Dreamworld and an exciting week.

Okay, I think that i was possibly living in a dreamworld in my last post. While I still think things are moving, I might not be as close as I'd like to be.
BUT oh such delicious news from the Yahoo board.  3 sibling referrals and one single referral in a weeks time. How exciting for these dear families. Some have been waiting for a sibling referral for 2 1/2 years.
This is also good news for everyone else. It means that they are getting caught up in Ethiopia with all the extra paper work that was required. I imagine they will now get it all when the child is relinquished. So, all in all this is great news for everyone. Every referral is a referral closer to our own.
God always has perfect timing and I'm sure He has that in mind for this as well. It's not always easy to wait for God's timing, but I find that things always work out for the best. There have been many times in life when I thought that I had it all figured out and then it turns out totally different and always much better than I envisioned.
We had a great sermon the other week. One that I felt I could get definite answers from. 99% of the time I'm positive that we are doing God's will in adopting a child. I could feel it in my inmost being. BUT through the bankruptcy of Imagine, the change of country and things people have said I have had the odd struggle. It was possibly more like maybe we should be adopting locally instead of  internationally. Anyway our pastor had a sermon on how to figure out if it's God's will or if it's your own. Here are
10 Questions to ask when facing a decision or a change of direction:
  1. Have you prayed about it?
  2. Is it consistent with the Word of God?
  3. Can I do it and be a positive christian witness?
  4. Will the Lord be glorified?
  5. Am I acting responsibly?
  6. Is it reasonable?
  7. Does a reasonable opportunity exist?
  8. Are unbiased, spiritually sensitive associates in agreement?
  9. Do I have a sanctified (God given) desire?
  10. Do I have a God given peace about it?
Well I could honestly say yes to all the above and now I can wait in perfect peace. Pray for my family as we wait.


Joy said...

Hmm, I'll copy this list and see if it helps us out over here in decision confusion land...

Joy said...

Addendum: I think I get stuck with #7 (e.g., hard to tell how to define "opportunity" when one doesn't really know for sure...), and #10 (what exactly does peace feel like??)...good stuff to keep pondering, I suppose!

Connie said...

Those are all very good questions to ask yourself. Thanks for posting that. It gives me a few things to think aboout.

Sharla said...

Those are excellent questions. I may have to refer back to that list for some of my decisions from time to time. It sounds like you are following God's plan for your lives so rest in that.

It was an encouraging week as far an adoptions go so I am sure that helps!