Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Please Phone, RING

How does one even begin to describe this crazy journey I'm on? I feel like a pop can that's been shaken and shaken. One minute I'm going to burst with joy that we are doing this and the next moment I'm going to burst with frustration that it has taken this long.
Today my poor husband does not know what to do with me. I can't even sit and read ( which is my favorite thing to do). He's trying to still the excitement that is building in me. We've had some corrispondance with the agency about some missing papers. From the e-mails I sense an urgency to get these all in to the ministry. From what I was told at the end of June, it would take the ministry 3-4 months to look at my update (which consisted of a change of country and age chang). I was told that if there was a match, they would expedite it. It has only been there about 6-7 weeks. I now am almost positive that there is a match for us but the ministry approval has to be completed.
Everything needed was e-mailed to the ministry yesterday. What are the chances that they will get to it today?
AHHH. The phone just rang. A soliciter. I have some not so nice thoughts for them right now.
Hopefully my next post for you will have some good news but for now I must go and find something to occupy my time.


deborah said...

keepin' my fingers crossed for you!!

Janice said...

I remember all the times the phone rang when it was only a solicitor - those are the most difficult.

I hope you get that call soon.

We are only 2 weeks into our wait for the visa (since the medical arrived back in Nairobi). It could be six weeks, 8 weeks, 10 weeks or it could be 10 months (I just read about a family on the forum who have waited 10 months for their visa). Ugh!


Anna said...

Waiting is so hard! We're waiting for our Visa too, and it's brutal. I'm praying for everyone waiting for referrals, Visas, etc. Hang in there!

Mrs Changstein said...

I remember those days! I think our agency got tired of my "subtle" check up calls...always with a great excuse for the call (new cell #, that kind of stuff). And I remember waking up in the night & not being able to sleep because my brain wouldn't stop. It's hard. But enjoy the now. You'll never have it again. We did alot of celebrating our "last family of 3 Changsteins ____ ". It made it that much more bearable.

Anonymous said...

Oh Elsie, I hope you phone is ringing soon!! I'm cheering for you. xox

*waiting for twins/sibs under 5yrs. nov11/08

Unknown said...

Thank you everyone for your encouragement. I hope to soon get the call and be able to sleep again.

Connie said...

Oh, I hope you get the call soon! The RIGHT call that is! Not some solicitor. I'll be so excited to read about your good news when it happens!