Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Dosier back from Ghana

Well we finally got our dosier back from Ghana. Now we have the privillege of redoing a bunch of the paperwork. Isn't International adoption fun???? At least it feels like a step in the right direction. Once we have our dosier in Ethiopia I will be anxiously waiting for a referal. Referals have still been trickling in at Imagine and it's exciting to hear all the stories. I get tears in my eyes ever time I hear about them knowing that life will change for these precious little ones and for the ones receiving them. We started at #87 and I think we are probably down to about # 80. At this rate we hope to receive a referal before 2010 ends. On a different note, I love all the well meaning people asking me if I'll go and get a child from Haiti. The thought is nice except for the fact that we are well under way with our ethiopian adoption and would not jepordize that. And it is not as easy as we would like to get the orphans out of Haiti. I pray that someday soon there will be a smooth process for all the children in Haiti. Life should not be this difficult for these kids. On a humerous note, my 9 year old son thought of a good way to raise money to support our little girl in Ghana that we were going to adopt. He thought I should go on "Are you smarter than a fifth grader" and win tons of money and donate it all to Mariam. I'm afraid that I am NOT smarter than a fifth grader. His heart is definitley in the right spot.


Joy said...

Hmm, never thought of going on a game show! And yes, there sure are a few things to do now that the Ghana dossiers are back. Yikes.

Janice said...

Hi Elsie,

I'm new to your blog. I guess I should say "Welcome to Ethiopia adoption." I'm so sorry that the Ghana program couldn't continue. I can only imagine how devastating that must have been.


Connie said...

I'm visited your blog for the first time recently. Welcome to the Ethiopian adoption program. I'm so sorry you couldn't complete your Ghana adoption. All the best with waiting. We're waiting for a second one from Ethiopia.