We received word today that our homestudy has finally been approved. This was our change of country and 2 year homestudy update. I am a little excited about that although still discouraged about the lack of referals lately. So far there has been one this month. People around me are getting antsy for referal news from us. I don't know what to tell them. It's on my mind constantly. Again it could happen tomorrow or it could be a few more months. Most of us waiting feel like we are constantly in our 9th month of pregnancy. I know God knows the day and already knows our special girl and I take comfort in that. I just wish he would send me a little note letting me know. The physical pain of natural birth is nothing compared to the heartache if international adoption. People are probably wondering if that's the case then why do it? I would say that God has called us for this and He does not give us anything more than we can handle. Continue to pray for us and for an extra measure of patience.
I understand what you are going through completely. It's so heartbreaking to wake up with the emptiness every day, however you are right. God has a plan and he won't give us more than we can handle. Not that a small sign wouldn't hurt..:)
You are in my prayers, and i'm sending you positive thoughts and strenght.
Congratulations on your homestudy approval! Now, just get those referrals coming. One day you'll forget about all this heartache of waiting when you are united with the special little girl that God has chosen already for your family.
Praying for patience and more referrals!
International adoption is so much tougher than I ever imagined it would be. I whole-heartedly agree with your statement: "The physical pain of natural birth is nothing compared to the heartache of international adoption." I have thought the same thing so many times. People don't realize just how hard it is. The waiting is so hard. You and I are both blessed with children already which helps but it's still hard.
Thinking of you,
What a wonderful milestone! One step closer to that little girl. This is my first time visiting your blog-so..."Nice to 'Meet' you". Our family has found the road to adoption to be a rough one, but for us too we know it is the path we are meant to take. We have a referall, have passed court and are currently waiting for our VISA. We are not sure if it will be in 4 weeks or 4 months- unfortunately I can't tell you that it gets easier with the shifting timelines etc but I can say that once you see the face of your child it is SO worth it! Good Luck!!!
Congrats on getting your homestudy approved (again)!
You're right... only God knows who you're child will be and where she's at right now. She will come to you at exactly the right time.
Some people have said that we've taken the easy way out by adopting. If they only knew how hard it was. I tell them that it's harder than child birth and they say "How would you know?" I tell them that I've heard this time and time again by parents who've done both. It may not appear hard on the outside but the truth is it's painfully difficult. Our heart goes through labour... and not just for a few hours... for a few years.
Praying for patience for you...
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