Wednesday, November 18, 2009

No News

I was hoping to come out of my meeting with some specific news. It seems everyone is very nervous when it comes to Ghana. They wanted documentation that Mariam is in fact available for adoption and then they were going to check out the whole immigration thing with Ghana. So back to waiting without any definite answers. They did say they would like to help if they could. Conitue to pray that doors will be opened. I know that there are many hurting children and if its not Mariam that we can help, it will be someone else.


Laurel said...

Thanks for visiting my blog. If you have any specific adoption or Ghana questions, don't hesitate to pop me an email. (My address is on the right hand column of my blog.)


mama of 13

Keltie said...

Thanks for visiting my blog too.:-) I have experience with the HC in Ghana. Please contact me at if you want to chat!

Keltie Gaunt