Friday, June 3, 2011

Court Date postponed

2 days before our departure we were told that our court has been postponed. There were issues with the birth mother appearance and this needs to be resolved before they can have a court date with us. MOT is confident that this will be resolved . That doesn't help the fact that emotionally I am ready to go on Sunday and we are still unsure of what we can do with our tickets.
Timing it's possibly a blessing as this frees my husband up to plant his crops. I was told that when this gets resolved I won't have any worries about passing court so that next time I go I can go stress free. I was told that it will be resolved and that MOWA will have the letter ready for us when we come.
Don't know when that will be. Birth mother court is the 15th of June and we should get a new court date after that.
International adoption is not what I thought it would be.
Pray for us. I am taking this hard even though I know it will work out in the end. My kids are taking this hard.


Chad, Laura, Sara and Seth said...

I am truly so sorry to hear this. I can't imagine how disappointed and frustrated you must feel.

I will pray for this all to be resolved quickly and that you are on that plane within weeks of the birthmothers court date!


Melissa Waechter said...

you said it right, International adoption is not what ANY of us thought it would be, so much of a emotional rollarcoaster from day to day, even from hour to hour. It seems you can get good news and then bad news an hour later, it is so hard especially when you emotionally and physically prepare yourself to be leaving on Sunday, just more waiting, it seems like thats all it is, hurry up then wait. So may God fill you with reasurance, peace and paitence during this time and may you focus to Him during this time of waiting to get you through

Anna said...

Oh, Elsie. I can't imagine how disappointing this must be for you. God's timing is certainly not our timing. I will pray for peace for you and patience as you wait for hopefully a speedy new court date.

Anna said...

If you want to get together for a coffee, e-mail me at annavos at sympatico dot ca. Keeping you in my prayers.

BCMommy said...

Sadly, nothing about this 'journey' surprises me anymore. Just when you think you've been through every possible scenario, another is thrown your way. I hope things go well for court #2 and you will be on your way soon after.

Thinking of you,

Connie said...

Oh how hard that must be for you! And such short notice! I'll be praying you get another court date soon and that all goes well.

Mrs Changstein said...

Saying a quick prayer for you - this is hard!

darci said...

oh elsie, I AM praying for each of you, and your kids is so hard, but I believe with you that it will all work out for good in the end. praying for peace! (and really really really good news in nine days!) darci